Accommodations for Testing

Question: How Do I Use Testing Accommodations?

Step 1: Make sure you have sent your Letters of Accommodation.  (Not sure how to send your Letters? See our How to Send Letters of Accommodation Video).

Step 2: Discuss the implementation of those accommodations with each instructor. Your instructor may be able to provide the necessary testing accommodations in the classroom or another environment, like a conference room or an office. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the instructor of the intent to use accommodations prior to each exam. Students should give three business days’ notice for general exams/quizzes and five business days’ notice for final exams. Giving the proper notice will ensure that the instructor can take the necessary steps to provide access.

Step 3:  If your instructor has indicated that they will proctor your exam, please notify them of your intention to use your testing accommodations. If you have notified your instructor of your intent to use testing accommodations, within the specified timeframe, there is nothing else you need to do.

If your instructor requests that you take your exam with the Office of Accessibility, please follow steps one and two outlined above. Then, submit a Testing Request to the Office of Accessibility. 

Please see the linked video to learn how to submit a testing request.

How to Submit a Testing Request, Video (Opens in New Window)

To ensure that there is adequate staff, space, and time to proctor your exam, please submit your testing request within three business days of the date of the exam (for general exams/quizzes). Please provide five business days’ notice for final exams. 

Submitting a testing request does not mean that your testing request has been approved. You will be notified by an OAA staff member as to your approval or the need to reschedule a test.

Question: How Do I Submit a Testing Request?

If you need to take an exam with the Office of Accessibility, please submit a Testing Request 3-5 business days prior to the date of the exam. Please see How to Submit a Testing Request, Video (Opens in New Window)


Question: What Do I Do if I Need to take a Test with the OAA and my Instructor Hasn’t Filled out a Testing Agreement?

If you need to schedule a test with our office, please do so within the stated 3-5 business day timeframe. If your instructor has not filled out your Testing Agreement by the time you schedule your test, that’s okay. Go ahead and submit a Testing Request. Our staff will reach out to your instructor to ensure we have the necessary information before you arrive on test day.


Question: I Can’t Select my Class in the Testing Request. What’s Wrong?

If you can’t select your course from the dropdown menu when you are submitting a Testing Request, this means that your instructor has agreed to proctor/give the exam in the classroom or in another space that they monitor. This means that you do not need to fill out a Testing Request, as you will not be testing in the OAA. If you would like to test with the OAA, but your instructor has indicated that they will proctor your exam, please contact the OAA.


Question: Do I need to Submit a Testing Request if my Instructor is Proctoring the Exam?

No. If your instructor has stated that he/she/they can proctor/give the exam in the classroom or other environment, you do not need to submit a testing request. However, please notify your instructor of your intention to use your testing accommodations 3-5 business days prior to the exam date.


Question: If my Tests are Online, do Accommodations Still Apply?

Yes, if those accommodations are applicable to the online testing environment. For example, the accommodation of a reduced distraction environment may not be necessary. In an online format, you are in control of the space in which you take an exam. Extended time accommodations can still be put into place by your instructor. If you have concerns about testing accommodations in the online environment, please contact our office at or 828. 232.5050